Q1:  Who can apply for an annual practicing certificate?

Only a registered veterinary surgeon who is a Malaysia citizen [subsection 17 (1) of Act 147] can apply for an annual practicing certificate.

Q2:  Can a non-citizen of Malaysia who is registered as a veterinary surgeon in Malaysia apply for an annual practicing certificate? 

The person can apply for an annual practicing certificate. The perogative to approve an annual practicing certifcate is subject to subsection 17(2) of the Act 147 and the compliance of other laws in operation in Malaysia which include the Immigration Act, Employment Act and Income Tax Act.

Q3: Does a government veterinary surgeon needs an annual practicing certificate?

Under Act 147, the provision of interpretation of “practice of veterinary medicine” clearly spelt out the actual job of a veterinary surgeon that includes surgery, treatment, prescription, etc and it also includes the use of title like “Dr”. Whereas in the exemption clause, it merely said “Nothing shall operate to prevent an employee of the Government from performing his official duties” but does not talk about exempting the needs to have an Annual Practicing Certificate (APC). The Act also stressed that it is an offence for a registered veterinary surgeon practicing veterinary medicine if he has not had an APC in respect of himself in force. Thus, all Government veterinary surgeons / veterinary officers need an APC to practice veterinary medicine legally.