President Welcome Message

Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera & Good Day,
Welcome to the official portal of the Malaysian Veterinary Council.

Veterinary medicine and its related practices is expanding, transforming and evolving rapidly into many diverse fields. Once limited to basic animal treatment and surgery, the role of veterinarians and their practice of veterinary medicine currently encompasses the entire food chain, food production, animal care, welfare, conservation, ethology, research and development, production of pharmaceutical and vaccines, human-animal relationships amongst others. Veterinary specialists are now to be reckoned with. The knowledge base in veterinary science is set to grow exponentially.

Meanwhile, the involvement of veterinary surgeons in human-animal interaction is becoming more relevant in our daily life. The scourge of new diseases in humans and animals in recent years, require greater participation of medical-veterinary communities and scientists to innovate with better advances and approaches to solve and reduce the perils of disease.

In this regard, the Malaysian Veterinary Council plays a significant role in regulating the veterinary profession. It is a regulatory body corporate empowered under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1974 (Act 147), to register veterinary surgeons and regulate the practice of veterinary surgeons. The Act was given the royal assent on 30th July 1974 with the publication of gazette on 29th August 1974. The Council's primary objective is to ensure the highest standards of practice in veterinary medicine, through fair and effective administration of the Act, in the interest of patients, public and the profession.jbdhebghvgvf

The Council has embarked in creating a website which can be a source of information as well as a medium to disseminate knowledge, hence fulfilling the needs of veterinary surgeons and the general public. This site would speed up information flow and aims to be interactive which can assist the members in keeping in touch with the latest news, updates, information and events. The Council wishes to thank the veterinary fraternity for continually contributing views and opinion for the improvement and to the advancement of the veterinary profession in Malaysia, in this region and in the world.

Thank You & Happy Browsing
Malaysian Veterinary Council